Josh Tycko

Systematic discovery of protein functions in human cells to understand gene regulation and enable genetic medicine

Advancing towards a global mammalian gene regulation model through single-cell analysis and synthetic biology

Journal article

Josh Tycko*, Mike V. Van*, Michael B. Elowitz, Lacramioara Bintu
Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4, 2017 Oct 30, pp. 174-193



APA   Click to copy
Tycko*, J., Van*, M. V., Elowitz, M. B., & Bintu, L. (2017). Advancing towards a global mammalian gene regulation model through single-cell analysis and synthetic biology. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, 4, 174–193.

Chicago/Turabian   Click to copy
Tycko*, Josh, Mike V. Van*, Michael B. Elowitz, and Lacramioara Bintu. “Advancing towards a Global Mammalian Gene Regulation Model through Single-Cell Analysis and Synthetic Biology.” Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 4 (October 30, 2017): 174–193.

MLA   Click to copy
Tycko*, Josh, et al. “Advancing towards a Global Mammalian Gene Regulation Model through Single-Cell Analysis and Synthetic Biology.” Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4, Oct. 2017, pp. 174–93.

BibTeX   Click to copy

  title = {Advancing towards a global mammalian gene regulation model through single-cell analysis and synthetic biology},
  year = {2017},
  month = oct,
  day = {30},
  journal = {Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering},
  pages = {174-193},
  volume = {4},
  author = {Tycko*, Josh and Van*, Mike V. and Elowitz, Michael B. and Bintu, Lacramioara},
  month_numeric = {10}

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